Everything You Need to Know About Contact Lenses

What are contact lenses?

Contact lenses are thin, transparent lenses worn on the surface of the eyes. Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism are visual issues that can be corrected by contact lenses.

The types of contact lenses

Soft and rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses are the main types of contact lenses.

Soft contact lenses

Because they contain more water than hard lenses, soft lenses are made of a supple plastic and are more pleasant to wear. Many soft contact lenses offer UV protection as well. Depending on the kind of lens prescription, they are often replaced after a brief period of usage, usually every two to four weeks or daily.

Despite the fact that most people select soft contact lenses for their advantages, there are some drawbacks as well. Soft lenses can take in impurities from your hands, such as lotion or soap, which can damage your eyes. Additionally, they are more brittle than hard lenses and are more likely to rip or tear.

Daily disposables and silicone extended wear disposables are two of the most recent soft contact lens varieties to enter the market.

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses

Hard contact lenses, also known as rigid gas permeable lenses, are more stiff and long-lasting than soft lenses. Rigid gas permeable lenses, as opposed to earlier types of hard lenses, are constructed of silicone polymers and let oxygen to pass through to the cornea of the eye. Hard contacts give clearer eyesight for some types of adjustments and hold their form better than soft contacts.

What Problems Can Contact Lenses Cause

Cleaning and caring for contacts on a regular basis is necessary to prevent bacterial infections.

Daily contact lenses might be more expensive than other options even if they require less frequent maintenance.

Your chance of developing dry, itchy eyes might rise if you don't take the right care of your contact lenses and get them fitted by a trained professional.

Contrary to eyeglasses, some contact lens wearers may find it challenging to put on or take out their lenses.

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